About Us
It is a pleasure to introduce our staff. Take a moment to get acquainted and if you have specific concerns or questions regarding a certain area, please contact us. We will do our best to answer questions and address your concerns in a timely, efficient manner.
Below are key employees of David K. Young Consulting, LLC. There are a total of fifteen employees associated with DKY with a wide range of experience in employee benefits and insurance.
David K. Young, Principal & Founder
BA (McMurry University) and MPA (Angelo State University) degrees
Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) - Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania & IFEBP
Certificate to Conduct Retirement Planning Seminars for the National Council of the Aging
Member of the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialist
A professional member of the Society for Human Resource Management
Over 43 years of employee benefit administration expertise
Community Service includes:
Three (3) years as Commander of Bexar County Senior Squadron Civil Air Patrol
Special Ops Officer in charge of Counter Drug and Homeland Security for South Texas, Civil Air Patrol
Director and Mission Pilot for Sky Cross, Inc., a non-profit organization helping the extremely poor, near or on the Texas/Mexican border and parts of Africa.
​Holly Kalmer, Operations & Accounting
BA (Baylor University) and MA (University of Delaware)
Qualified 401(k) Administrator (QKA) - ASPPA
Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) - Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania & IFEBP
Member of the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialist
Member of ASPPA
Over 23 years of retirement plan administration experience
CynDe Young, Operations Manager
BA (McMurry University)
Over 28 years of work experience in the insurance industry
SCLA and AIC Designations
Hope Riojas, COBRA Administrator & Custom Billing Administrator
Over 10 years experience in employee benefits administration
Specialized training in benefits administration and compliance
Catherine Morales, FSA Administrator​
Over 22 years experience in customer service
Specialized training in spending account management and compliance
Melonie J. Sammons, Remittance Administration & Jr 401k Specialist
BSBA, BSIT (Chancellor University)
Over 33 years of customer service experience
9 years experience in benefits administration
4 years experience in common remittance
RPF Certification
Jerrilynn Cobb, Insurance Agent
BA (University of Texas San Antonio)
Over 15 years insurance experience
Licensed General Lines Agent