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403(b) Forms & Form Upload

Use this document to find answers to commonly asked questions.
403(b) Contract Exchange Form

Use this form to transfer funds from one provider in the plan to another provider in the same plan

403(b) Distribution Request Form

Use this form when there is a distributable event (i.e. Severance of Employment, Attainment of Age 59.5, Death, RMD)

403(b) Loan Request Form

Use this form to request a loan from an annuity

403(b) Hardship Withdrawal Form

Use this form to request a withdrawal based on an unforeseen financial hardship - IRS requirements

403(b) Plan to Plan Transfer Form

Use this form to request a transfer of funds to a state retirement plan to purchase permissive service credits or when consolidating 403b plans with another employer

403(b) Rollover Request From

Use this form to request a transfer of funds from a former employer to a current employer or for moving the funds to an IRA, TRS (Teacher's Retirement System).

403(b) Salary Reduction Agreement (SRA) Form

Use this form to request a reduction to a participant's salary to be deposited into their 403(b) Account/s.

403(b) Salary Reduction Agreement (SRA) Form - Southside ISD

Use this form to request a reduction to a participant's salary to be deposited into their 403(b) Account/s. SPECIFIC TO SOUTHSIDE ISD

403(b) Disclosure Statement
Use this form, along with the SRA form for new SRAs

403(b) Uniform Disclosure Notice
Use this form, along with the SRA form and Disclosure Statement, for new SRAs that are MUTUAL FUNDS ONLY.

Submit a Transaction Request

Please submit your transaction forms securely using the form below. Any transactions will be submitted directly to our distributions specialist for processing. The form is secure and encrypted.

Large or multiple files may take a few minutes to upload depending on your internet connection. Please be patient. Your page will be redirected upon success or error. 

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